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Employee Assist Programme

Is this the solution you have been missing?

45% of sickness in the workplace is mental health related

Working at home

Respite Programme

This is the solution we are missing that will alter peoples experiences and perceptions on mental health. Providing your staff with quick access to this programme will accelerate recovery, provide coping mechanisms, support development of healthy habits as well as preventing long term sick, preventing related future absence and employment terminations.

Colleagues at Work

Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

As an employer, you have a responsibility to look after your staff’s mental health and wellbeing. That’s a big responsibility, and one you weren’t necessarily prepared for when you started a business.


Having a practical solution to offer your staff is invaluable, the Respite programme gives you peace of mind that your Employee is receiving the support they require along with learning coping mechanisms and healthy habits to prevent long term sickness.

White office organization


Sick pay, loss of earnings, agency staff and management time are all contributions to the cost of an employee being absent from work.


By becoming a corporate sponsor you can get discounted access to the Respite Programme, providing talking therapy and exercise therapy for your staff when they need additional support.

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